What’s happening . . .

Family Membership price increase coming on July 1st

Hello members, it's only been a little over a year since our last increase in membership pricing, however the board voted at its February 2025 meeting to implement a price increase to just the family rate to fully cover the cost of insurance on the additional family member.

Therefore, we will be increasing the family rate by 5$/year, i.e. from 30$/year to 35$/year. Individual memberships will remain at 25$/year. The increase will go into effect on new or renewing family memberships occurring on or after July 1, 2025.

Our cost for insurance has risen to 9.34$/year/per rider. The incremental charge of 10$ for a family membership (35$) above the cost of an individual membership (25$) will allow us to cover the additional individual on a family membership. Our insurance costs for families of 3 or more are the same rate as 2 family members.

By Darcy Lewis ... News item runs February 20 – March 31

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Member, League of American Bicyclists

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