by Jane Zucosky
"All bike riders should wear bicycle helmets. Each year in the United States, about 800 bicyclists are killed and another 500,000 end up in hospital emergency rooms. About two-thirds of the deaths and one-third of the injuries involve the head and face. Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury to bicyclists by as much as 85 percent." Cleveland Clinic
Is it old? Most bicycle helmet manufacturers recommend replacing your helmet every 3-5 years. Recommended replacement times have to do with research on helmets (while some represent a company's desire to get you to buy a new helmet). Helmets built in the 1980’s and before do not meet current safety standards. Approved helmets have a stamp from the Snell Memorial Foundation, the Consumer Product Safety Commission or the American Society for Testing and Materials. If your helmet has not met the standards of at least one of these groups, you should replace it.
Did you crash and your helmet hit the ground?The foam of your helmet weakens every time your helmet hits a hard surface. Even if you can't see cracks or dents in the helmet, this weakness can cause your helmet to break apart if you crash. If you have been in a crash or have dropped it numerous times, you probably should replace it but before you rush out to buy a new helmet, check with your helmet's manufacturer. Some companies will replace the helmet for less than the cost of a new one.
When was the last time you inspected your helmet? Inspecting your helmet is an important step in knowing if it should be replaced. Check the outer shell for cracks or splits, then press on it to see if the shell pops back into place. If there are cracks or the shell doesn't spring back, replace the helmet. A helmet also should be replaced if the shell has faded from UV exposure, since the plastic may have weakened. Next, check the foam liner for any cracks or dents and the straps and buckles for any worn or tattered areas.
Does My Helmet Fit Properly? "Wearing a bike helmet improperly is the same as not wearing a bike helmet at all."—League of American Bicyclists
Fitting a Helmet
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