We’ve been using Ride With GPS to plan and manage our route library for over a decade. While the free starter level membership allows easy access to all of our club rides, some of us subscribe at the premium level to take advantage of all of its advanced features. RWGPS is now offering a 15 month subscription for the price of 12 months. In addition, for each subscription made through the link below, RWGPS will contribute 10% of the cost to NMTS. If you are already a premium subscriber you can use this offer to extend your subscription by 15 months. Or, you can purchase a subscription as a gift for someone else. To subscribe visit: https://ridewithgps.com/giveback/new_mexico_touring_society by January 2.
Please advise John Gillett (jgillett@live.com or (505)280-7612) that you’re attending along with your phone number.
About a week in advance John will create a WhatsApp group to communicate amongst the group regarding dinners, activities, & etc. It will also be a good place to ask & answer questions.
Members who have signed up, so far include: Steve M, Lisa O, Michael O, Charlie R, John B, Rob B, Brad P, Rosella C, Bernie C, Gary S, Rob Briscoe.
Looking forward to a great trip!
We will be returning to the Rio Grande Gracious Retirement Living apartments community room located at 2331 Westside Blvd, Rio Rancho for the NMTS holiday party. Please bring finger food or a dessert to share. The club will provide non-alcoholic refreshments. Those wishing to do so may bring fortified spirits such as eggnog or wine. The party is on Sunday, December 15th, from 2 until 4 PM. For those wishing to participate in a gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift valued between $15 and $25.
Parking is limited at the apartments, but additional parking is available on the street.
Please drop Dianne Cress a note (treasurer@nmts.org) if you plan on attending so we can get a reasonable head count. BUT if last minute plans allow, please come on over and join the party!
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