NMTS Club Apparel

NMTS Club Hats

Caps are adjustable to fit and cost is $10.00.

Contact / send your check made out to "New Mexico Touring Society" to:

Tom Sullivan
1824 Nakomis Ct. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112


NMTS Club Jerseys

Here is the NMTS club jersey. The design was designed by a committee led by Susan D'Lamater and picked by NMTS members.

Club members bought jerseys online from Primal Wear. Those wanting a jersey who were not in the original order, will be able to purchase one from Primal Wear at a later date. More information will be available later. Please be patient!

NMTS Club Socks

Free socks! You cannot buy these cool socks. You can only get a pair of custom made de Feet socks free by being a ride leader or volunteer: SAG drivers, officers, program presenters, or other helpers.


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Member, League of American Bicyclists

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Website design and coding by Robert Brueckner
Stat box backgrounds by Barb Titus and sometimes the Webmaster