Ask Dr. Spoke

“Ask Dr. Spoke” is a regular feature of the NMTS newsletter, The Freewheel. While the initial focus may be on bike mechanicals, Dr. Spoke will expand into other realms based on your interests. Possible topics include:

If you have a question about any of these topics, send an email to “" and watch for a response in a future NMTS newsletter.

For future reference, past Dr. Spoke articles in the newsletter are available as the PDF files given below. Click on any file to view or print that article.

Dr. Spoke's advice on the contents of a first aid kit for bicycling, both for day travel and for remote, multi-day tours.

Appeared in The Freewheel 01/2022

Dr Spoke's analysis of the level of effort impact on bicycling from wind and grade

Appeared in The Freewheel 10/2021

Dr Spoke's analysis of the level of effort impact on bicycling from wind and grade

Appeared in The Freewheel 10/2021

Dr Spoke's advice on the alternatives: repair/upgrade an old bike, or replace the old bike with a new one.

Appeared in The Freewheel 08/2021

Dr. Spoke's advice on hydration on the bike, particularly during the dry and hot months.

Appeared in The Freewheel 07/2021

Dr Spoke's advice on when or how often to replace a bike helmet.

Appeared in The Freewheel 06/2021

Dr Spoke's advice on when and how to get a professional bike fit, particularly to address riding discomfort or pain.

Appeared in The Freewheel 12/2020

Dr. Spoke’s advice on the pros and cons of tubeless bike tires, compared to a traditional bike tire with tube.

Appeared in The Freewheel 11/2020

Dr. Spoke’s advice on the pros and cons for internally geared hubs, focusing on the Ruhloff hub.

Appeared in The Freewheel 10/2020

Dr. Spoke’s detailed advice on how clean and wax your chain, with plenty of photos.

Appeared in The Freewheel 08/2020

Dr. Spoke’s advice on the pros and cons for waxing your chain versus using traditional petroleum-based lubes.

Appeared in The Freewheel 07/2020

For Pre-Ride Check: Dr. Spoke’s advice on pre- and post-ride checks for your bike to keep it in top working condition.

Appeared in The Freewheel 06/2020


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