News & Events

Danger Zones

by NMTS Safety Committee Member Carl Larson (photo: Dee Friesen)

An active member of our club was recently seriously injured while riding through one of the many Danger Zones we regularly encounter as NMTS riders. The rider was moving south on the Bosque Trail and had just passed through the underpass beneath Bridge Blvd. The bridge with wooden decking just beyond the underpass was wet from a recent rain and was covered by shadows from the east. This is where the rider went down. Other riders didn’t see the wet spot until they went back specifically to look.

The NMTS Safety Committee has been examining the many routes the club normally rides in an attempt to identify these types of Danger Zones. They’ve already spotted a number of Danger Zones. Once the process is complete, the information will be compiled into a packet of photos, locations and advice on how to safely ride through these areas. This information will be distributed to all current members and will become a part of the new members’ information packet.

The committee encourages all NMTS riders to contribute their ideas as to Danger Zones they are uncomfortable riding through. All ideas can be sent to or to any member of the Safety Committee.

At the October 15 NMTS General Membership meeting, the Safety Committee will present the completed Danger Zone packet of information. This will be a dinner meeting at 6:30 pm at the Wild Hog Café BBQ restaurant at 9880 Montgomery Blvd., the same location where the Rob Oakes Equation was presented to the membership in January.


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