NMTS New Member Application

Thank you for wanting to join New Mexico Touring Society! Annual membership dues are $25 for an individual. A Family Membership is $30, and all members must live at the same address.

After filling out the member information (Be sure you click the Continue button at the bottom), you will be directed to a screen where you can pay dues with Paypal or, optionally, you can send a check to the NMTS treasurer.

If you have additional questions before submitting an application, email our president (president@nmts.org) or our vice-president (vicepresident@nmts.org). This page lists all our officers.

Please print out a waiver and sign it. Send it with your check if you are using that method, or give it to the ride leader at the next club ride you attend. The waiver is for the insurance that the club provides its members.

See you on the trail!

Single members or heads of family must be at least 18 years old to join!

First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Home Phone
Main Email
Please enter a valid email address
Alternate Email
Please enter a valid email address
Member Type
Additional family members


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