Tijeras Trot


Tijeras Canyon

Descending Tijeras Canyon (west) in the Fall

The Tijeras Trot is an extremely popular ride from 4-Hills to Tijeras up the Tijeras Canyon between the Sandia and Manzano Mountains.. This is often the start of other scenic rides on the east side. The route has only moderate climbing and has some nice shoulders and light traffic. This out-and-back ride starts and ends at the 4-hill's Smiths. This ride up the Tijeras Canyon is a starting point for many rides on the east side of the Sandias. You will certainly see other cyclists on this stretch.

Getting There: The ride typically starts on the east side of Albuquerque at the junction of Central, Tramway, and I-40. Rides often park at the Smith's at this intersection.

Roadway: There are shoulders in varying conditions most of the way. Keep an eye open for lots of debris, glass, and gravel on the shoulders. There is usually light traffic on the weekend. Watch for the pairs of recessed manhole covers on the westbound (downhill) shoulders from Tijeras to the I-40 underpass near Carnuel.

Distance: 14 Miles, 850 ft. elevation gain roundtrip, 4-Hills - Tijeras. It is mostly uphill going east, downhill on the return. The climb is only easy to moderate, there are no steep sections.

Options: There are many options from Tijeras. Tijeras Canyon is the start for most of the East Mountain rides popular in the summer: East Mountain Rides, East Mountains South Rides Map | East Mountains North Rides Map:

Oak Flat, Madrid Gold Rush, Sandia Crest Climb, NM217 Rollers, Tajique Tango, Frost Rd Loops, Heartbreak Hill, east side mountain bike rides on NM337, and so on.

Notes: It can REALLY get windy (from the west) in the afternoon up Tijeras canyon, get an early start. East winds in the morning and West winds in the afternoons are common. It can be surprisingly cooler on the east side. There are also the summer thunderstorms to watch for.

The new Tijeras
USFS Sandia District Ranger Station is about 1/2 mile south on NM337 where you can get water, maps, bathrooms, etc. when it's open.


Tijeras Trot CueSheet // 14 Miles, 850 Ft. Elevation Gain
Leg Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


Smith's at Four Hills Ride east on NM333 (old RT66) to the Tijeras red light at the intersection with NM337 (old S14). As you go under the I-40 underpass at about the 4 mile marker look up between the 2 bridges and you can see the windsock.


Tijeras Return by the same route. Lot of options. Watch the man hole covers on the shoulders on the west-bound shoulders.


Smith's at Four Hills  

Route Map


Tijeras Canyon Elevation Profile

There is only a total of 850' of climbing both ways.
