Frost Road Frenzy


The very scenic Frost Road Loops begin and end at the 4-Hill's Smiths. These are favorite rides in the summer to get away from the heat of the city. They have great views of the Sandias from the east, the Manzanos, and South Mountain. The traffic is very light once off NM14 and RT66. RT66 and NM14 have shoulders to the "Triangle". As always in NM watch for debris and broken glass on the shoulders. It can get pretty windy so get an early start.

The loops can be shortened by 13 miles and 750 ft. elevation by starting at the Tijeras Library. NM333 is the new designation for the historic RT66. NM337 is the new designation for South NM14. There are street signs at all the intersections. The "Triangle" is the intersection of Frost Road, NM556 (the Crest Road), and NM14. There is a convienence store at the Zuzax to pick up snacks. Historic RT66 has been renamed NM333. NM14 South of Tijeras is NM337 (S14).

Getting There: Begin at the 4-Hills Smiths at Tramway and Central in East Albuquerque or in Tijeras.

Distance: 26, 33, 34, 38, and 52 Mile Options.

Options: There are many options in the East Mountains, including adding Heartbreak Hill, the S-14 Rollers (NM217), Madrid Gold Rush, La Madera, and the East Mountain Slug Ride that has Zane Road, Tumble Weed, and County Line Road options.

Tijeras - NM14 - Frost Rd. - NM472 - Stanley - NM41 - Moriarty: 41 miles, 1550' Elevation gain. (catch a ride back NM333 in Edgewood is nasty).

"Original" 33 Mile Loop
26 Mile In-and-Out Option
34 Mile Route Reversed
38 Mile Sedillo Hill Option
54 Mile Tijeras, NM217, Frost Road Loop
38 Mile Mountain Valley Road Option
East Mountain Area Map
Dennis Chavez Area Map

Notes: There is a convience store at Zuzax and a grocery store at the "Triangle" and two convenence stores on NM14 north of Tijeras.


East Mountain Slug Ride: East Mountain Slug Ride includes Zane Road, Tumble Weed, and County Line Road and other options.

Frost Road Frenzy (Original): (counter clockwise direction)

Distance: 33 Miles, 2090 ft. Elevation Gain.

Original Frost Road Frenzy CueSheet // 33 Miles, 2090 ft. Elevation Gain (counter clockwise direction)
Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


Smith's at Four Hills Ride east on historic RT66 (NM333).


Tijeras stop light Continue straight through the traffic light at RT66 & NM337 up the hill, under a bridge, take care with the merging traffic on the right, to the I-40 underpass.


I-40 & NM14 Right (east) on RT66 just before the I-40 underpass. Pass North Zamora Road turnoff (a nice option that rejoins RT66 at Zuzax) on left, pass Zuzax where there is a convienence store, to the Old Sedillo Hill Road turnoff (big sign).


Old Sedillo Hill Road & I-40 Left (north) under I-40 on Old Sedillo Hill Road uphill, curves to the right (E) to Meadow.


Meadow Left (north) at Meadow. Goes downhill, curves right (Meadow), climbs sharply to another stop sign at Vallecitos.


Vallecitos Left (north) on Vallecitos downhill to a stop sign at Frost Road.


Frost Road & Vallecitos Left (west) on Frost Road downhill to NM14 at San Antonito (the "Triangle").
There is a grocery store and convenience store at the intersection.


NM14 & Frost Rd. Left (south) on NM14 downhill through Sandia Park and Cedar Crest, go under I-40 (left lane), curve right (west) to the traffic light at the intersection with NM337. Continue straight (west) on RT66 to Tramway and the cars.


4-Hills Smiths  

Out-and-Back Option

Distance: 26 Miles

Frost In-and-Out // 26 Miles
Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


Smith's at Four Hills Ride east on historic RT66 (NM333).


Tijeras stop light Continue straight through the traffic light at RT66 & NM337 up the hill, under a bridge, take care with the merging traffic on the right, under the I-40 underpass, north on NM14 passing 2 gas stations, Cedar Crest, to the junction with Frost Rd. There is a convience store, bike shop, Not-Just-Bagels eatery, and the Triangle grocery store.


The Triangle, Frost Rd and NM14 Return by the same route.


Smiths at Four Hills  

34 Mile Frost Road Loop (clockwise direction)

Distance: 34 Miles, 2090 ft. elevation gain.

Frost Road Frenzy, Clockwise, CueSheet // 33 Miles, 2090 ft. Elevation Gain (clockwise direction)
Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


Smith's at Four Hills Ride east on historic RT66 (NM333).


Tijeras stop light Continue straight through the traffic light at RT66 & NM337 up the hill, under a bridge, take care with the merging traffic on the right, under the I-40 underpass the I-40 underpass, north on NM14 passing 2 gas stations, Cedar Crest, to the junction with Frost Rd. There is a convience store, bike shop, Not-Just-Bagels eatery, and the Triangle grocery store.


The Triangle, Frost Rd and NM14 Turn right (east) on Frost Road to Vallecitos.


Vallecitos Turn right (south) uphill on Vallecitos to the stop sign at Meadow.


Meadow Turn right (west) on Meadow, uphill, then downhill and curves south to stop sign at Old Sedillo Hill Rd .


Old Sedillo Hill Rd Turn right (west) on Old Sedillo Hill Rd. curve left (south) and pass Dennis Chavez, pass under I-40 to NM333(RT66).


I-40 & Old Sedillo Hill Turn right (west) on RT66, past Zuzax where there is a gas station/convienence store, through Tijeras back to 4-Hills.

Option: At Zuzax, turn right(N) over I-40 and follow the north frontage road, North Zamora Rd., until it rejoins RT66 in Tijeras. This avoids some traffic on RT66. The mileage is about the same.


4-Hills Smiths  

Sedillo Hill Option (counter-clockwise)

Distance: 38 miles.

Frost Road Frenzy, Sedillo Hill Option CueSheet // 38 Miles (counter-clockwise)
Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


Smith's at Four Hills Ride east on historic RT66 (NM333).


Tijeras stop light Continue straight through the traffic light at RT66 & NM337 up the hill, under a bridge, take care with the merging traffic on the right, to the I-40 underpass.


I-40 Right (east) on RT66 just before the I-40 underpass. Pass North Zamora Road turnoff (a nice option that rejoins RT66 at Zuzax) on left, pass Zuzax where there is a convienence store, uphill to the Sedillo Hill Road I-40 interchange.
  Sedillo Hill Road I-40 Interchange Left (north) over I-40 on Old Sedillo Hill Roadl, curves to the left fast downhill (west) past Meadow on the right, curving left (south) downhill under I-40 to RT66.
  RT66 & Old Sedillo Hill Rd Turn right (west) pass Zuzax again, follow RT66 back to Smiths.

Option: At Zuzax, turn right (north) over I-40 and follow the north frontage road, North Zamora Rd., until it rejoins RT66 in Tijeras. This avoids some traffic on RT66. The mileage is about the same.


4-Hills Smiths  

S-14, NM217, Frost Road Loop Option.

Distance: 54 Miles, 3,350 ft. elevation gain.

S14, NM217, Sedillo Hill Option CueSheet // 52 Miles (counter-clockwise)
Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


Smith's at Four Hills Ride east on historic RT66 (NM333).


Tijeras stop light Turn right (south) at the traffic light at RT66 & NM337 (S14) past the USFS Ranger Station (water), Oak Flats picnic area, and the Morningside Grocery to NM217.


NM217 & NM337 Left (east) on NM217 curves left (north) at Martinez Rd for the thrilling S14 Rollers to I-40.


I-40 & NM217 Continue straight (north) on now Mountain Valley Road to Frost Rd.


Frost Rd & Mountain Valley Rd. Turn Left on Frost Rd. Pass Vallicitos, to NM14 at the triangle which has a bike shop, grocery store, convienence store and Not-Just-Bagels.


NM14 & Frost Rd. Turn left (south) on NM14, climb mailbox hill, descend under I-40, curve right (west) to Tijeras stop light. Continue straight (west to Smiths.


 4-Hills Smiths  

Mountain Valley Road Option (Clockwise)

Distance: 38 Miles. Elevation gain from Tijeras is 1,955'.

Mountain Valley Road Option, CueSheet // 38 Miles (clockwise direction)
Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


Smith's at Four Hills Ride east on historic RT66 (NM333).


Tijeras stop light Continue straight through the traffic light at RT66 & NM337 up the hill, under a bridge, take care with the merging traffic on the right, under the I-40 underpass the I-40 underpass, north on NM14 passing 2 gas stations, Cedar Crest, to the junction with Frost Rd. There is a convience store, bike shop, Not-Just-Bagels eatery, and the Triangle grocery store.


The Triangle, Frost Rd and NM14 Turn right (east) on Frost Road to Mountain Valley Rd.


Mountain Valley Rd. Turn right (south) uphill on Mountain Valley Rd. to I-40.


MVR & I-40 Turn right (west) on RT66 to Tijeras and onto Smiths

Option: Continue south on NM217 for the South Rollers to NM337 (S14), then north to Tijeras and back to Smiths.


4-Hills Smiths  

Frost Road Area Routes


Dennis Chavez Area Detail

Sedillo Hill Detail

This connection from NM333 (rt66) to Frost Rd. is just east of the Zuzax I-40 exit. On Old Sedillo Hill Rd. go under I-40 (north) up the hill and curve to the stop sign at Meadow. Continuing on you go uphill to the Sedillo Hill Rd overpass at I-40. Otherwise, going north on Meadow you curve right and go uphill to the stop sign at Vallecitios. Turn left (north) hear and ride downhill to Frost Rd.

Many of the roads shown are dirt roads except the routes described.