NM217 Rollers / South-14



Area Map

The NM217 Rollers, aka South-14 Rollers, is a favorite ride that can be combined with the Oak Flat climb up S-14, Heartbreak Hill, and other rides on the east side of the Manzanos. This is a great summer ride to get out of the heat of Albuquerque. This is a demanding ride but a lot of fun. Since this is New Mexico it is often windy so start early. Take plenty of water and snacks. The rollers are great fun. This ride has commanding views of the Manzano mountains and the Sandia Mountains. You can also see Edgewood to the east. South NM14 has been renamed NM337. Historic route Route 66 is now NM333.

There are about seven big rollers between Martinez Rd. and I-40. Riding NM217 north to south is definitely harder than south to north. You will normally see other cyclists on this popular circuit.


  • 45 miles, 2,655' Elevation Gain, from 4-Hills - Tijeras - Yrisarri - NM217 - NM333 (I-40 frontage road past Zuzax) - 4-Hills.
  • 39 miles, 3050' from Tijeras - Tijeras - Yrisarri - NM217 - Mountain Valley Rd. - Frost Rd. - NM14 - Tijeras.
  • 54 miles, 3,750' from 4-Hills, the above 39 miles plus Tijeras Canyon.

Getting There: Start at the 4-Hills Smiths or Tijeras.

Options: There is 750' of elevation gain from 4-Hills to Tijeras, 1850' of gain in the loop from Tijeras - Sedillo Hill - NM217 - NM337 - Tijeras.

  • Anaya Loop: Take Anaya St. left from NM337 at the Ponderosa Saloon. Ride north past Gonzales Rd. which turns into Oak Flat Rd and then connects to NM337 again at Oak Flat for a nice approximately 4 mile loop. Anaya has nice pavement and no traffic. There's three short but steep hills. There is a street sign just north of the Ponderosa Saloon.
  • East Mountains South Rides Map | East Mountains North Rides Map.
  • Shorten the ride by beginning at Tijeras, 39 miles, 3,050' elevation gain.
  • Mountain Valley Rd (north of I-40) rollers to Frost Rd. This has new pavement and shoulders part of the way. There are several rollers but some have shoulders..
  • Take Frost Rd. East to NM344, north to Heartbreak Hill, south on NM14. This results in a 60 mile, 5,000' ride.
  • Take Martinez Rd. at the stop sign at the south east end of NM217, the short out and back to the south east. This adds about 6 miles. Watch for dogs. There are several miles of roads that wander through neighborhoods.
  • You can also cut across from Oak Flat to NM217 at Gonzales Rd. This is about 6 miles to NM217. Initially, it has some nice fast downhills through the trees. This cuts off several hills on the south part of NM217 at Martinez Rd.

Roads: There are no shoulders on NM217 so watch the cars on the rolling hills. Most are courteous but there is the usual number of jerks. There are "Limited Sight Distance" signs on the hills with speed limits like 45mph or 35mph, but dream on.

A portion of the worst of the northern part of NM217 has been repaved (2006) - no shoulders of course! At least the white line is not painted on grass.

There are shoulders on NM337 from Tijeras to the junction with NM217 at Yrisarri. Watch for rough spots and debris on the downhill shoulders (northbound) on NM337.


  • The Morningside Grocery is just south of Oak Flat about 12 miles south of Tijeras (Kuhn Rd) for drinks or snacks. There is also Jo Jo's Cafe there.
  • There is a Shell convenience store at the intersection of Frost Rd and NM14 (the Triangle).
  • There are bathrooms, information, and water at the Sandia Ranger station on NM337 just south of Tijeras.
    If you have time, cache your bikes behind the ranger station and take the nice walk through the Tijeras Pueblo ruins.
  • The "Triangle" grocery store is now located in Cedar Crest at about milemarker 3. There's a Subway in Tijeras, and two gas stations in Cedar Crest .
  • There is a convenience store at Zuzax.
  • The Juan Tomas road that runs from NM337 to NM217 has a couple of miles of dirt (mud) in the middle but is a nice ride with a big hill east of Juan Tomas.
  • Water and restrooms are available at the Oak Flat Picnic Ground, about a mile climb east of NM337.

NM217 Rollers CueSheet // 45 Miles, 2,655' Elevation Gain
Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


4-Hills Smiths Ride East on NM333 (old Rt. 66) to the Tijeras stop light at the junction of RT66 & NM337 (S14).


Tijeras traffic light Turn right (South) on S14. Furiously pedal up past the Tijeras Ranger station, past Oak Flat, to the Morningside store on the right. Continue south downhill a short distance to the intersection with NM217 on the left.

Option: Take Oak Flat road to NM217, and there are two forks here. Then follow NM217 to I-40, RT66, and back.


Jct. NM217 & S14 Turn left (East) on NM217 for a thrilling descent, for a while. Then NM217 turns north at the stop sign with Martinez Rd. for the main exercise of the day. Climb the rollers down to the intersection with I-40.


I-40 & NM217 Turn left (West) on RT66 for the short uphill to Sedillo Hill. Pass a gas station and convenience store at Zuzax. to Tijeras.

Option: At I-40 continue north on Mountain Valley Road to Frost road. Tturn west (left) for some more rollers. At NM14 turn south to RT66, under I-40 and back to Tijeras.


Tijeras Follow RT66 back through Tijeras Canyon to the starting point.


4-Hills Smiths  

Elevation Profile

This profile follows the route from Tijeras south on NM337 to NM217, then east and north to I-40 and back on RT66.