East Mountains Slug Ride

The popular East Mountain Slug Ride begins and ends at the 4-Hills' Smiths. This ride goes out into the picturesque rural east mountains. Alone, this is a good fall or spring ride just before it gets dark. Sedillo Hill is a high point that provides stunning views of the Sandias and the other mountains in the area. The ride is mainly uphill out and downhill back. Many options can be added to this ride to branch out to other parts of the east mountains.

There are street signs.

Getting There: Start and end at the 4-Hills Smiths.

Roadway: See the Tijeras Trot for a description through the Tijeras Canyon. RT66 (NM333) has shoulders but most of the rural roads are in good shape without shoulders. There is little traffic off RT66.

Distance: 44 miles roundtrip.

Notes: There is a convienence store at Zuzax, about 5 miles east of NM14. In the spring the shoulders may be covered with sand used on winter road surfaces until a spring rain washes it off. There is a fair amount of debris to watch for on the shoulders especially around the waster transfer station near the Zamora Rd. junction.

Sedillo Hill CueSheet // 38 miles
Waypoint Turn Leg Description


4-Hills Smiths Straight Leave Smiths East on NM333 (old Rt. 66) to Tijeras at I-40. Continue straight (east) through the traffic lights at NM333 & NM337 (S14) and curve left to the I-40 underpass traffic light.


Jct of I-40 & NM333 & NM14 Traffic Light Right Turn right (east) on NM333. Pass Zamora Road, Zuzax, to Old Sedillo Hill Road.


Sedillo Hill Rd Left Turn left (north) under I-40. Slight climb up a pretty canyon. Sedillo Hill Rd. curves to the right. At the intersection turn left onto Meadow. (Sedillo Hill Rd. continues on to Sedillo Hill and we return this way later)


Meadow Left Turn left onto Meadow. Meadow begins north then curves uphill to the right.


Vallecitos Straight Cross Vallecitos into the little housing development.


Calle Vallecitos & Vallecitos Loop Left The road curves left and parallels Vallecitos. Take the left and ride downhill to rejoin Vallecitos northbound.


Vallecitos Right Rejoin Vallecitos northbound.


Frost Rd Right Turn right (East) onto Frost Rd.


Tumbleweed Left Turn left (north) onto Tumbleweed.


Entranosa Left Turn left (east) onto Entransosa


Magic Valley Right Turn right (north) onto Magic Valley Rd. (This is a small loop)


Zane Left Turn left (east) on Zane curve right and climb the big hill


Zane & Magic Valley Right Turn right(south) on Magic Valley. Pass the start of the loop.


Entranosa Left Turn left(east) on Entranosa.


Tumblweed Straignt Continue east on Entranosa.


Mountain Valley Rd Right Turn right(south) on Mountain Valley Rd. Entranosa turns to dirt.


Frost Rd Straight Continue south on Mountain Valley Rd.


Crestview Right Turn right(east) on Crestview, a small residential street


County Line Rd Right Turn right(south) on County Line.


Dinkle Rd. Right Turn right(west) on Dinkle Rd. (Dinkle Rd parallels I-40)


Mountain Valley Rd Left Turn left(south) on Mountain Valley Rd, cross over I-40 to Rt-66.


Old Rt66 (NM333) Right Turn right(west) on RT66 and ride uphill to the Sedillo Hill overpass.


Sedillo Hill Overpass
Old Sedillo Hill Rd.
Right Turn right(north) and cross over I-40. Old Sedillo Hill Rd. curves left for a great downhill to the intersection with Meadow. Go straight and through the intersection. Old Sedillo Hill curves left(south) and goes under I-40 to RT66.


Rt66 (NM333) Right Turn right(west) on RT66 to the Zuzax exit.


Zuzax I-40 Overpass Right Just before the Chevron station turn right(north) and cross I-40. Deadend.


North Zamora Road Left Turn left on North Zamora Rd. This quiet stretch parallels I-40 on the north side and avoids traffic on RT66 almost to NM14.


Rt66 Right Turn right(west) on RT66.


NM14 Left Turn left(west) on RT66 at the traffic light. This is still RT66 (NM333)


Tijeras Straight Continue on RT66 back to Smiths



East Mountain Area

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