Taos Ski Area Climb


Area Map

Area Map

The Taos Ski Area Climb starts and ends at the intersection of NM522/US64/NM150, the road to the ski area. This is a picturesque ride north of fashionable Taos, NM that is a moderate climb that has great views of the mountains and the Rio Grande valley. This can be combined with the Taos High Country Loop as a nice climb after the ride is over. The route begins with the ride to Arroyo Seco.
Getting There: The intersection of US64, NM522, and NM150 is about 4 miles north of Taos the center of Taos. This is the turnoff to the Gorge Bridge to the west and Arroyo Seco and the Taos Ski area to the east. You can start in Taos but there is a lot of traffic on US64. Also, you can start in Arroyo Seco.

Distance: 30 miles round trip, 2,500' elevation gain

It is paved in various states of maintenance. It is two lanes without shoulders with light east of Arroyo Seco traffic.There is moderate, fast traffic through here so you might want to start at Arroyo Seco.The traffic on US64 north of Taos is fairly heavy but there are useable shoulders to the Gorge Bridge turnoff. Taos is fairly congested but once you get away from Taos the roads are light to moderate traffic.

This is a fairly short ride. There are nice portions of the The Taos High Country Loop, the Southern Enchanted Circle Loop (USA Hill), Taos-Dixon US Hill Loop or the out of Taos. There is also a lot of good mountain biking in the area.

Notes: There are several bike shops in Taos and a mountain biking book on the Taos area.


Taos Ski Area CueSheet // 30 Miles, 2,500' Elevation Gain.
Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


US64 / NM522 Ride east on NM150 towards Arroyo Seco.


Arroyo Seco There is a cafe here.


Hondo Canyon "T" Intersection Turn right towards the mountains here. The left turn follows the arroyo downhill to NM522. The climb from here is moderate and gets a little steeper near the ski area as it follows the canyon uphill.


Taos Ski Valley There are a few places open in the summer and is a very pleasant lunch spot.. Return by the same route.


US64 / NM522  

Elevation Profile