NMTS Ride Schedule

NOTE: In addition to these one time rides, the club has recurring rides most days of the week. To view them, choose the "Weekly Rides" link in the menu at your left.
Pace is the speed, plus or minus one, that will be maintained on flat terrain with no wind. Distance refers to miles traveled in a day; on multi-day rides it refers to total miles for the trip, and a daily average is calculated from that.
Rides with a light-green background occur over multiple days
HELMETS CSPC, Snell or ANSI Approved Helmets are REQUIRED for all NMTS rides.
EBIKES Class 1 E-bikes are welcome where conditions allow, and at the ride leader's discretion. Class 2 and Class 3 E-bikes are not permitted on NMTS rides.
Chickasaw Homeland Removal Ride
WEDNESDAY September 18
627 miles
Daily Avg
57 miles
Riding Days
14 mph (±1)
Minor hills
8:00 AM
Dave Atkins
ddlatkins@gmail.com, dlatkins@centurylink.net
Ride Type
Road Bike
Ebikes OK?
Yes, see conditions above

This ride is organized and led by an organization outside the control of the New Mexico Touring Society. It is listed here for the information of NMTS members and as an opportunity for members to join this ride individually or in groups. See the information provided by ride organizer for further details.

This is basically a Trail of Tears ride that will follow the Northern Route. There are several Northern and Southern routes the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Tribes took when they were removed from their homelands in Mississippi, Alabama, and North Carolina. The Chickasaw Cycling Club (CCC) has mapped a Northern route which we'll follow on trails, frontage roads, and county roads starting in Pontotoc, MS. The CCC will leave Ada, Oklahoma September 17th for Tupelo, MS. The ride dates are September 18 through September 28. This is a multi-day ride for 11 days averaging 57 miles a day for a total of approximately 600+ miles. The major cities along the route with overnight stops in-between them are Memphis,TN; Little Rock, AR; Ft. Smith, AR; Poteau, OK; McAlester, OK; Coalgate, OK; and ending in Tishomingo, OK for the opening day of the Chickasaw Festival/Annual meeting. This is a historic ride for the CCC. The Cherokee and Choctaw Tribes have their own ride. This will be a first for the CCC. Please contact me for more information if interested.


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Member, League of American Bicyclists

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Stat box backgrounds by Barb Titus and sometimes the Webmaster