Tour de Wyoming This is a 6 day ride of 400 miles and 20,000 feet of climbing. For information go to
[Tour de Wyoming]( There is a lottery for this ride. If you want to do this ride you must enter your name in the lottery by February 28,2025. The web site explains how to do it. You can always back out of the ride if you change your mind. I registered under team New Mexico Touring Society. Cost is $325 + processing fees. They have a meal plan for 6 breakfasts and 5 dinners for $240. I had the meal plan last year.
It was definitely worth it. There are rest stops about every 25 miles. This is a camping tour. You set up your tent and tear it down. You load up your gear onto a truck and the organizers transport it to the next stop. If you don't want to camp you are on your own to find a motel or Abnb.
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