NMTS Ride Schedule

NOTE: In addition to these one time rides, the club has recurring rides most days of the week. To view them, choose the "Weekly Rides" link in the menu at your left.
Pace is the speed, plus or minus one, that will be maintained on flat terrain with no wind. Distance refers to miles traveled in a day; on multi-day rides it refers to total miles for the trip, and a daily average is calculated from that.
Rides with a light-green background occur over multiple days
HELMETS CSPC, Snell or ANSI Approved Helmets are REQUIRED for all NMTS rides.
EBIKES Class 1 E-bikes are welcome where conditions allow, and at the ride leader's discretion. Class 2 and Class 3 E-bikes are not permitted on NMTS rides.
Heartbreak Hill, the Easy Way
SATURDAY August 17
46 miles
Moderate hills
9:00 AM
John Ballenthin
Ride Type
Road Bike
Ebikes OK?
Yes, see conditions above

Starting in Tijeras, NM, this route winds around on East Mountain roads through Cedar Grove and goes over Heartbreak Hill – from the east (the easy way). After a break at the Triangle Shell gas station and convenience store (water,restrooms) in San Antonito, the route returns to the start via the scenic Gutierrez Canyon Rd.

The ride is mostly rollers with ascents of less than 4%; 6% in a short span at Gutierrez Canyon. There's a nice 13.6% downhill on Heartbreak Hill. There should be little car traffic except for a 10 mile stretch on NM14S from San Pedro to San Antonito where there is a decent road shoulder for bicycling.

It will be cooler than Albuquerque with mild wind, usually from the SW in late morning.

There are no opportunities to get water before the rest stop so bring plenty along.

Please contact ride leader with actual miles (if less than the full 46)

[Click for CUE sheet and map](https://ridewithgps.com/routes/33624776)

Note: Do not park in the library parking lot; use the lot in the adjacent senior center.

Note: Sorry, not Sag wagon goodies on this ride.


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Member, League of American Bicyclists

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Website design and coding by Robert Brueckner
Stat box backgrounds by Barb Titus and sometimes the Webmaster