This ride is organized and led by an organization outside the control of the New Mexico Touring Society. It is listed here for the information of NMTS members and as an opportunity for members to join this ride individually or in groups. See the information provided by ride organizer for further details.
El tour de Zona is a 3 day out and back ride in Sierra Vista, Arizona. There are 3 days of riding. You can do 1 or 2 days if you don't want to do all 3. Ride information is at the web site [Go Here]( Total cost is $234.07 until 2/29. There is camping at Veterans Memorial park in Sierra Vista. I plan on camping. The swimming pool and showers are included in the cost. There will be food trucks and entertainment. The 3 rides are to Ramsey Canyon Preserve 27 miles, Bisbee 63 miles, and Tombstone 36 miles. If you are an aficionado of the old west then this your ride. If you plan on riding let me know.
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Member, League of American Bicyclists