Note: This ride is run by the Tour de Wyoming planning committee and not NMTS. I have created a NMTS team to do the ride. Acceptance to the ride is run via lottery. You must enter the lottery by the end of February. Go to to register and declare your self as part of the NMTS team. We can have a maximum of six riders on our team. After we reach six riders and you can still sign up for the lottery as an individual or create a new team. If our team (NMTS) wins the lottery, everyone who registered as part of the team will have until the end of March to pay to join the ride. The ride is six riding days and cost $300 per rider to join (if we win the lottery). There is a meal plan available for $240. Go to for more information. Three of us did the ride last year and found that it was well run and we had a great time.
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