Ride Description for Breakfast Burrito Ride
Join us for the 24th edition of the Breakfast Burrito Ride. We’ll start at Lucy and Big Al’s Cybersecurity Consultants and Wicker Chair Repair Shop, 722 Sagebrush Trail, SE. Take 4-Hills Road south from Central, right on Stagecoach to the second stop sign, which is Sagebrush Trail. Turn right again, and the place is on the left side of the street, in the second cul-de-sac. The phone number is 293-8155 if you get hopelessly lost. We start eatin' at 8:00 and start ridin' at 8:30. Almost no climbing, no canyons, one small dirt patch for the adventurous, all paces are welcome. And don’t forget the cookout after the ride. Come on along.
[Route map here](https://ridewithgps.com/routes/5552208)
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