NMTS Ride Schedule
NOTE: In addition to these one time rides, the club has recurring rides most days of the week. To view them, choose the "Weekly Rides" link in the menu at your left.
Pace is the speed, plus or minus one, that will be maintained on flat terrain with no wind. Distance refers to miles traveled in a day; on multi-day rides it refers to total miles for the trip, and a daily average is calculated from that.
Rides with a light-green background occur over multiple days
HELMETS CSPC, Snell or ANSI Approved Helmets are REQUIRED for all NMTS rides.
EBIKES Class 1 E-bikes are welcome where conditions allow, and at the ride leader's discretion.
Class 2 and Class 3 E-bikes are not permitted on NMTS rides.
Ebikes OK?
Yes, see conditions above
We'll combat the predicted cold temperatures for Saturday JA/21 with a two-pronged attack. (1) We won't start the ride till 10:00. (2) We'll climb Tramway about 7 miles into the ride. It's a relatively short ride due to the late start, and your perseverance will be amply rewarded with Nexus food and drink at ride's end.
From Nexus take NDC N, PDN W, Edith N, Alameda Rd W, 4th St N, Tramway E & S, Indian Schol/Constitution W, Pennsylvania N, Paseo De Las Montanas Trail W over I40, Constitution W, Stanford S, Tucker W, NDC N to Nexus.
Member, League of American Bicyclists
Website design and coding by Robert Brueckner
Stat box backgrounds by Barb Titus and sometimes the Webmaster