NMTS Ride Schedule

NOTE: In addition to these one time rides, the club has recurring rides most days of the week. To view them, choose the "Weekly Rides" link in the menu at your left.
Pace is the speed, plus or minus one, that will be maintained on flat terrain with no wind. Distance refers to miles traveled in a day; on multi-day rides it refers to total miles for the trip, and a daily average is calculated from that.
Rides with a light-green background occur over multiple days
HELMETS CSPC, Snell or ANSI Approved Helmets are REQUIRED for all NMTS rides.
EBIKES Class 1 E-bikes are welcome where conditions allow, and at the ride leader's discretion. Class 2 and Class 3 E-bikes are not permitted on NMTS rides.
Canteen to Picnic - Fast Pace
SATURDAY September 3
35 miles
20 mph (±1)
Frequent, steep hills
9:30 AM
John Gillett
Ride Type
Road Bike
Ebikes OK?
Yes, see conditions above

Join us for the NMTS Picnic on Saturday, September 3rd, at Oak Flat Recreation Area (map link here: https://www.google.com/maps/@35.0003924,-106.3247984,16z )

We have the Yucca picnic site reserved, which has plenty of tables to relax, eat, drink, and visit. There is a shelter to provide shade and Forest Service restroom facilities. The Club will provide the food and drink. This ride climbs up through Tijeras Canyon, turns south on NM-337 at Tijeras. There is water and a decent outhouse at the Tijeras Ranger Station, 1/2 mile south of the traffic light @ 333/337 (about 7 miles into the ride.) The ride continues, climbing up 337 to mile 15.5, then turning east on Oak Flat Rd to the picnic site at the top of the hill. The picnic is open to all NMTS members; anyone who chooses not to ride can drive up to the Oak Flat picnic area and join in the fun. The picnic will start at 11:00AM.

PLEASE RSVP if you plan to attend, NO LATER THAN Friday, August 26th; the point of contact is Dianne Cress at treasurer@nmts.org or 294-2928.



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