Bad Ass Coffee of Hawaii is open again! This ride will take advantage of that at about mile 30.
Start at La Reforma Brewpub & ride down thru Balloon Park to NDC S to PDN W, Rio Grande Bd N to AOS (regroup, restroom.) Then over to Loma Largo N to 528 N, Iris W* & around high school to Paseo Del Volcan N, 550 W, Satellite etc Sheriffs Posse to 550. WEST on bike trail to Bad Ass (regroup, restroom, coffee.) Then 550 E, Don Tomas S & 313 S to Roy E, I25 West Frontage Rd S, Eagle Rock W back to start where beer & good food await.
* Option at 528/Iris: continue N on 528 to Montoya E (just N of Walmart) and follow the route from there to Bad Ass. This eliminates 7-8 miles and 300-400' of climbing.
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