Note the start location has been moved from the Open space lot as originally posted in the Freewheel.
Let’s mark the return of “Better Call Saul” coming this April by visiting some of the more infamous locations from past seasons of the show. Everything from his first office behind a Day Spa, to the bill board where he staged a mock rescue to gain publicity. Bring your camera. A route map is available on [Ride With GPS here]( where you can print cue sheets or download to your GPS. The route is fairly complicated, you may prefer an [annotated cue sheet highlighting POI's]( Note that if you automatically sync maps to your Garmin device you will miss the custom cues and POI's which highlight locations of interest. To have these appear on your Garmin you would need to export a TCX file and manually transfer it the device as described in the FAQ on this [RWGPS Help Page](
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