What’s happening . . .

Wednesday Ride Moves to Friday

Jeff Hagemann's Wednesday is moving to Friday and changing times from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. while it's still winter.

Please make a note of this if you're looking for Fun Friendly Fare on Friday!

By The Webmaster ... News item runs February 10 – February 22
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Call for NMTS Award Nominations

The 2024 individual accomplishments of NMTS members will be recognized in an Awards Ceremony, planed for April 2025. To prepare for this, the NMTS Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the awards listed and explained in the NMTS Awards policy (available on the NMTS website in the Members Only area – link [here](https://www.nmts.org/Documents/NMTS_Policy_NMTS_Awards.pdf)):

Ride Leader of the Year

Volunteer of the Year

Tour of the Year

Lifetime Service Award

Special Recognition Awards (both serious and humorous)

The Awards Committee is asking for assistance from all members in identifying those who best deserve these awards. Please send your nominations to the Awards Committee chairperson, Bill Thompson, at thompsonw50@hotmail.com.

After an initial review of all award nominations, the Awards Committee will send each member an email in February with a link to an online Survey, which will allow you to vote for your selection for Ride Leader of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, and Tour of the Year.

Contact Bill Thompson with any questions or comments. If you have an interest in serving on the Awards Committee and participating in the discussions about award winners, please contact Bill.

By Bill Thompson ... News item runs January 23 – February 23

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Member, League of American Bicyclists

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Stat box backgrounds by Barb Titus and sometimes the Webmaster