Taylor Ranch - Rio Puerco Out and Back

The classic Taylor Ranch - Rio Puerco Out and Back begins and ends at the Taylor Ranch library. This is a good winter ride. The ride takes you high on the west side where there are great views of the Sandias, Manzanos, and Mt. Taylor to the west. The Rio Puerco leg is often used for time trials. The I-40 frontage road has some notable rolling hills. It is often windy out there. There is a Stuckey's and another convenience store on the north and south sides of I-40 at the Rio Puerco where you can get snacks or food for the return trip. Some stop at the Double Eagle airport snack bar for lunch.

Taylor Ranch Library to Rio Puerco Map

Taylor Ranch - Rio Puerco Route

Getting There: Begin and end at 5700 Bogart St. NW, at the Taylor Ranch Library, west of Unser at Montano NW.

Distance: 38 Miles, 1,960' of elevation gain

Roads: 4-laned Unser has a bike lanes most of the way. They disappear near Montano. Be careful at the overpass over I-40, there is entering and exitting traffic you have to cross. The Paseo del Volcan and I-40 frontage road both have shoulders and very light traffic.



  • There is a snack bar at the Double Eagle airport.
  • There are two convenience stores at the Rio Puerco I-40 exit turnaround.
  • There is a convenience store at the I-40 / Central Paseo del Volcan exit.
Taylor Ranch Library- Rio Puerco CueSheet // 50 Miles
Mileage Waypoint Description


Taylor Ranch Library Begin South on Unser past the volcanic cliffs, over I-40 to the red light at Central.


Central & Unser Right (W) on Central, labor up 9-mile hill.


Nine-mile hill Curve right(N) over I-40 on the overpass, this is the Double Eagle Airport road. Turn left (W) on the north frontage road(.2 miles).


Frontage Rd. Continue on the frontage road west climbing several moderate rollers, while enjoying the expansive vistas, past the radar towers, to the Rio Puerco, cross the old bridge, cross over (left) I-40 to the Stuckey's to enjoy some shade and recovery.


Rio Puerco When refreshed return (E) by the same route.


Taylor Ranch Library  
Taylor Ranch to Rio Puerco Out-and-Back Elevation Profile
Elevation Profile