Mountainair Meander Loop


Quarai Ruins - Eric Russell Photo

Historic Quarai Ruins N of Mountainair

The Mountainair Meander is a picturesque ride in the east mountains. Most of the route is open giving expansive views of the surrounding mountains and plains. The stretch paralleling the Manzanos is a little higher and goes through some mixed juniper, pinon, and ponderosa forests. The ride begins at Estancia and rides along the rural highways through Torreon, Monzano, Mountainair, Willard and back to Estancia. This ride has nice views of the Manzano mountains to the west. This ride is a pretty flat with minor hills and is open to winds. Get an early start to avoid the heat or summer thunderstorms.

The Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument visitor center for the Abo, Quarai, and Gran Quivira Ruins is at the Shaffer hotel at the corner of Broadway & Ripley in Mountainair. An uphill 1-mile paved road west of Punta del Agua takes you past the impressive ruins to the visitor's center and are worth a visit. The turn is signed. The south end of the north-south line of salt lakes in the Estancia valley crosses US60 east of Willard. Take plenty of water since it can get pretty hot on these open roads.
Distance: 60 miles, 2300' elevation gain. pretty flat.

Estancia Dry Lakes from 30,000'

Estancia Dry Lakes
from 30,000'

Getting There: Estancia is about 17 miles south of Moriarty which is about 27 miles east of Albuquerque on I-40, exit 194. There is a post office in town where you can park on Sunday. Just south of town there is a construction lot at the intersection of NM41 and NM55.

Roads: NM41 and NM55 are mostly 2-lane highways without shoulders but with light traffic. Some of the pavement around Tajique is rough but all is in acceptable condition. US60 is 2-lanes with no shoulders but has surprisingly light traffic and has a good surface.



CueSheet - PDF Version of Cuesheet

Mountainair Meander CueSheet // 60 miles, 2300' Elevation Gain
Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


Estancia Take I-40 east from Albuquerque to Moriarty, ' NM41 south to Estancia. Ride east on NM55 towards Tajique. Pass NM337 at 10.3.


Tajique Stay on NM55 as it curves south. Rolling hills.


Torreon Continue south on NM55.


Manzano Continue south on NM55. Rolling Hills.


Punta del Agua Continue south on NM55. Turn off to the Quarai ruins in the center of town, part of the Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument. An uphill 1-mile paved road west takes you past the impressive mission ruins to the visitor's center. The intersection is signed. There is a short walk on a gravel trail from the visitor's center to the mission and Tiwa pueblo ruins.[Quarai Ruins Trail Guide]


Mountainair Turn east on US60. Slightly downhill. There are cafes at the intersection. Light traffic.


Jct NM41 and US60 Continue on US60 to Willard, 2 miles, for food at a small convience store in town or turn north on NM41 to Estancia.


Willard There is a convienence store in Willard. Return west on US60.


Jct NM41 and US60 again Turn north on NM41 toward Estancia. Very slightly uphill.



Route Map

Mountainair Meander

Elevation Profile

This ride is pretty flat. The short leg to Willard and back is not on the profile below.