Acoma Pueblo Loop

Enchanted Mesa

Enchanted Mesa from the North

The classic Acoma Pueblo Loop takes us into the land of giant mesas and endless blue skies as we ride into the heart of the Acoma Pueblo.

After entering the reservation, the loop passes the impressive Enchanted Mesa, Kadzima, along L23/L22 (L==Laguna Reservation). The area is pretty flat and open with wide vistas. The ride passes the Sky City at the junction of 38 & 23 at the museum but does not climb up the mesa.

Then there is the one climb up Deadman's Rock Overlook, also know as the Kuumi Scenic View, but it's not very long. The overlook has a great view of Sky City but photos are forbidden. Then it's downhill to McCarty's with Mt. Taylor in the distance.

Bring plenty of water and snacks. Both of the two options cover essentially the same loop, they just start in different locations on the loop. There are great views of Mt. Taylor, in the spring snow-covered, to the north on the return ride on Acoma38.

This ride is best in the spring or fall to avoid the heat of the summer. Spring can get windy and late fall can get snow if you're unlucky.

The interesting small museum at the intersection of L23 and NM38 at the Acoma Pueblo burned down recently, a great loss. There is a new museum and visitor's center being planned. In the meantime, there are some portables where you can get some snacks and restrooms.

Take care at the intersection of NM124 and L22 (Laguna), it is easy to miss and you would wind up in Laguna. It has happened, bonus miles! The abandoned Paraje Trading Post that was a useful landmark has been demolished. There is a standard green highway boundary sign for "Paraje" just west of the turn.

Getting There: There are several options available.

Distance: Since it's a loop you can begin anywhere on the loop.

Roadways: The roads are mainly 2-lane rural roads without shoulders with very light traffic. Some of L23 south of Blanca has been recently paved and has shoulders for a way.



Acoma Pueblo Casa Blanca Loop

Distance: 42 miles, 1130 Feet total elevation gain.

Getting There: This loop trip at Casa Blanca at the I-40 exit 108, 53 miles west of Albuquerque. Park across from the Conoco Station in one of the empty lots across from the gas station or the Dancing Eagle Casino on the south side of I-40.

The loop goes south past the Enchanted Mesa and Sky City.

Acoma Pueblo Loop Casa Blanca CueSheet // 41 miles, 1130 Feet total elevation gain
Mileage Description


Casa Blanca & I-40. Go South on L23.


Acoma Pueblo boundary


Enchanted Mesa


Intersection of NM38 & L23 at the Acoma visitor's center and museum, nice tour. Turn NW onto NM38.


Standing rocks


Begin climb


Deadman's Rock Overlook. Photography prohibited.




NM38 Intersection, stay on the main road - the normal route. Turn right for a shorter route back to Casino.


Stop sign, take left.


I-40 Underpass


NM124 & I-40 frontage rd. Turn Right (South)


Turn right at Paraje at the abandoned Paraje Trading Post. This is easily missed! Cross I-40.


Casa Blanca

Acoma Pueblo Casino Loop

Distance: 41 Miles, 1,130 ft. elevation gain

Getting There: This option begins and ends at the Sky City Casino at I-40 Exit 102. Park in the dirt lot, not the paved lot, north of the gas station. This option is less likely to miss the turn at Paraje and wind up in Laguna Pueblo to the east.

PDF Version of Cuesheet below.

Casino Acoma Loop CueSheet // 41 Miles, 1130 ft. Elevation Gain
Mileage Waypoint Description


Gas station at Exit 102 Go north out of gas station to old Rt66 (NM124).


Old Rt66 (NM124) Turn right (east) on NM124.


Paraje Intersection Turn right (south) on L22. This is easy to miss. L22. is not marked. Cross RR tracks. Watch for dogs.


I-40, exit 108 Cross I-40 at Casa Blanca store. Continue straight past Dancing Eagle Casino.


NM22 Pass Mesa Encantada on Acoma Pueblo.


Acoma Pueblo Visitor Center Turn right (northwest) on NM38. The visitor center is worth checking out. Pick up water if you need to and there are toilets. That's Sky City up on the mesa top to the south.


Steep climb Steep climb up to mesa top. This is the only climb. Stay on the paved NM38


Deadman's Rock Overlook Photography prohibited. Stay on the main road NM38 (north). The summit is just past the overlook and there is a nice descent to McCarty's with Mt Taylor in the distance.
(About 2 1/2 miles past the overlook there is a signed right turn to the Casino. This is not the way we normally go but it is an option that would shorten the ride but the pavement has some uncomfortable cracks on it.)


McCarty's intersection Turn left at the stop sign at the bottom of the descent at McCarty's . Watch for dogs.


Church on left This is sometimes a collection point. Continue straight northwest towards I-40.


T-Intersection with Rt66 (NM124 and I-40) Turn right (east). If you want more miles, you can turn left and head toward Grants as far as you wish to go, then turn around.
Option: there is a nice loop west that goes through the lava fields away from the interstate if you have time to explore.


RR underpass Continue on NM124.


I-40 Overpass I-40 overpass at McCarty's exit, continue on NM124 on the north side of I-40.


San Fidel Continue east on NM124. You'll see the casino and the water tower in the distance.


Turn to I-40 and Casino Turn right(south) to return to gas station.


Casino and gas station at exit 102 on I-40 Start / Finish location.

Acoma Route Maps

An Interactive Google Acoma Route Map

See a Larger Google Map

A Static Acoma Route Map
Since this is a loop, the tour can start at any location.

Route Map

Acoma Loop Elevation Profile

The total elevation gain for this ride is only 1130 feet.

Elevation Profile