Los Lunas Lunacy

Route Map

The popular Los Lunas Lunacy out and back ride begins and ends at the Los Lunas Municipal Offices parking lot in Los Lunas on NM6 about 2 miles east of I-25 on the south side. There is no water once you cross under I-25. The route crosses pretty scenery, flat, open, low elevation, and hot, but is vulnerable to the wind. The road is 2-lane with no shoulders but little traffic once west of I-25. This route is a favorite with racers since it is fairly flat, with no stop signs, straight, fairly flat, and light traffic.

Distance: 62 Miles out and back, fairly flat.

Getting There: From Albuquerque drive south on I-25 to Los Lunas, exit 203. Drive 2 miles east (left) to the Municipal Offices parking lot. There are convenience stores along this stretch. Some people prefer to park at the high school at the intersection if it is not in use to cut off the 2 miles.

Roads: NM6 is a rural 2-lane road with no shoulders and low traffic, a typical NM highway.

Notes: There are convenience stores east of I-25. There is nothing west of I-25 and nothing at I-40.

Los Lunas Lunacy Cuesheet // 62 Miles
Mileage Waypoint Leg Description


Los Lunas Municipal Offices Travel west crossing under I-25 turning northwest to I-40.


I-40 There's nothing here so turn around and head back the way you came


Los Lunas Municipal Offices  

Los Lunacy Elevation Profile
