Gila Inner Loop Elevation Profiles
These are the elevation profiles for the Gila Inner Loop the begins in Silver City and goes north through Pinos Altos on NM15 to the junction with NM35, then east on NM35 to Camp Thunderbird and on through Mimbres to San Lorenzo onto NM152 to US180 and back to Silver City. This can be done as a one or two day ride.
Note the the elevation scale (on the left) is not the same on all the profiles. This is an intermediate ride despite the impressive elevation profiles.
Be careful of the descent on Day-1 to the intersection of NM15 & NM35. There are some tight hairpin turns on the descent but it doesn't last too long. Day-2 looks pretty hard but note that the elevation scale is only 1,000'.
The climb from the intersection of NM35 and NM152 at San Lorenzo is only a moderate climb.
Sine the Gila Inner Loop is a loop it can begin and end anywhere on the loop. The profiles shown below begin and end at the Silver City Wal-Mart.Day 1 & 2
Day 1
Day 2
Optional Side Trip to Gila Cliff Dwellings