Mars Court Mountain Bike Rides

Otero Canyon Trail 

Trail 106 / 236 Intersection

The Mars Court Mountain Bike Rides is a popular moderate mountain biking area in the Manzano Mountains just east of Albuquerque. The area is a pleasant region with some dirt 2-track roads and a maze of dirt single tracks that go through Ponderosa forests and picturesque meadows. Trails connect downhill south to Otero Canyon and Tunnel Canyon which can be taken out to NM337 and then ride back uphill to Mars Court. From Mars court Forest Road FR530 twists and turns downhill to David Canyon and hits FR321 where there are some signs. Here you can decide whether to go north or south. There are parallel trails running north and south uphill just to the west.

Getting There: Take NM337 south from Tijeras about 10.3 miles to Raven Rd., signed. Turn right (west) on Raven Rd. which is just across from Oak Flat Picnic grounds. Take Raven Rd. about 1.6 miles to Mars Ct. on the right which has a street sign. Raven Rd. is paved for about the first mile. Turn right on Mars Court, a small cul-de-sac, and go through an old open gate on the far side into the national forest. Private lands border Raven Rd. and Mars Court but there is a parking spot just inside the gate.

Trails: Easy to moderate dirt 2-track and single track trails. Mostly dirt but some rocky portions.



East Mountain Area Map - Look for Mars Court